Institutional frameworks, of course, always shape the meaning of exhibitions. If this institutional armature is not addressed ...
Mary Ann Staniszewski –
The Power of Display

Stories are how we think. They are how we make meaning of life.
Dr. Pamela B. Rutledge - The Psychological Power of Storytelling

Dass Text und Objekt nicht ineinander verrechnet werden können, dass das eine – das Objekt – nicht im anderen – dem Text – aufgeht, sondern dass zwischen den materiellen Objekten und den abstrakten Begriffen eine Lücke klafft, ...
Nicola Lepp – Diesseits der Narration

The choice between the blue and the red pill is not really a choice between illusion and reality. Of course Matrix is a machine for fictions, but these are fictions which already structure our reality. If you take away from our reality the symbolic fictions that regulate it, ...
Slavoj Zizek – The Pervert's Guide to Cinema

An exhibition space is not a place presenting objects with encoded stories, but instead, it is a stage providing multiple accesses to a subject matter...
Margaret Choi Kwan Lam – Scenography as New Ideology in Contemporary Curating and the Notion of Staging in Exhibitions